The 17th International Conference on Open Repositories : 6th - 9th June 2022, Denver, Colorado, USA

Author: cknowles1 (Page 2 of 2)

Fellowship applications are now open

The Open Repositories Steering Committee is now accepting applications for fellowships to attend OR2022 in Denver, Colorado, USA on June 6-9, 2022. The fellowship program allows a limited number of librarians, repository managers, developers, students, or researchers in digital libraries or related fields to participate in the conference.

The fellowship covers travel, accommodation, a per diem for meals and incidentals, as well as full conference registration, including the poster reception and conference dinner.

Successful fellows will need to be able to comply with any pandemic related travel and conference requirements. All attendees of the conference will be required to be vaccinated. See for more information.

Applicants must address the following:
– Financial need;
– Reasons you wish to attend and how participating in Open Repositories will support your professional development and/or educational goals;
– How you will share what you learn with others; and
– Willingness to participate in the conference through live-blogging or tweeting, shared note-taking during the conference, and/or submission of a conference proposal.

Although all applications will be considered, preference will be given to applicants:
– Who have never received a fellowship from Open Repositories;
– Who are from Mexico, Central America, or South America.

The application form is available at:

Call for Proposals and Conference Dates

We are pleased to announce the dates, theme, and venue for Open Repositories 2022. It will be held 6th – 9th June at the Auraria Campus in Downtown Denver, Colorado, USA.  The theme for this year’s conference is Building Trust Together: Integrating, Collaborating & Sharing.

The local hosts and Open Repositories Steering Committee have not taken the decision to host a physical conference lightly. We are mindful of the on-going Covid-19 pandemic and will be monitoring the ongoing situation and regulations. We are considering how we can build on the successes of the virtual conferences we have held in the last two years that have enabled us to grow the open repositories family. We are intending to have some online elements to Open Repositories 2022, however they will not be in the form of a hybrid conference and the call for proposals is for the physical conference in Denver.

Thank you for your continued support of the Open Repositories community.

Claire Knowles. Open Repositories Steering Committee Chair and Torsten Reimer, Open Repositories Steering Committee Vice-Chair

Call for Proposals Announcement

The 17th International Conference on Open Repositories, OR2022, will be held in Denver, Colorado, USA from June 6th to June 9th, 2022.

The organizers are pleased to invite you to contribute to the program along this years theme: 

Building Trust Together: Integrating, Collaborating & Sharing

How can we build networks of trust by integrating and collaborating? How do we collaboratively integrate user communities and new types and sources of data?

Invitation to participate:

OR2022 will provide an opportunity to explore and reflect on the ways repositories enable trust, integration, collaboration and sharing. It will give participants new insights and inspiration, which will play a key role in developing, supporting and sharing an open agenda and open tools for research and scholarship.

We particularly welcome proposals on the overall theme of “Building Trust Together”, and also on other administrative, organizational or practical topics related to digital repositories. We are interested in the following sub-themes:

  1. Integrating repositories and other platforms: Institutional & Domain repositories, PID services, CRIS, Digipres, Scholarly workflow, funder services, etc.
  2. Integrating content: novel or complex formats, data types & sources: Citizen Science data, gatekeeping and trust for uncurated data, Open Government Data, Wikimedia and web data, emerging formats, mediation and ownership of augmented data, etc.
  3. Collaborations & Communities: Repository networks, registries, federated services, integrating new user communities and bridging diverse user communities, Cultural Heritage data and Research data, sharing and co-creation and supporting non-academic use, financial/cultural and language barriers, supporting local communities and local knowledge, etc.
  4. Trust in the machine: Linked data, big data, the machine as a user, large and complex datasets, simulation and large-scale computation, new technologies (IIIF, Blockchain), visualisations, etc.
  5. Building Trust: Tackling Bias,  democratizing science, long-term preservation and repository certification, Safeguarding rights, FAIR & CARE principles, compliance with local legislation and with funder and publisher policies, Open Governance, business models and sustainability, Repositories in the “fake news” era, etc.
  6. Supporting Reproducible Research: Repositories in the broader open research ecosystem, services for reproducibility of research, repositories as digital humanities and open science platforms, national and international open data mandates, etc.
  7. Discovery, Use, Reuse and Impact: Metrics, assessment, bibliometrics, altmetrics, analytics, open citations, licences and reuse conditions, increasing content visibility and findability, aggregation serves, impact outside of the academic context, etc.
  8. Building Future Repositories: Next Gen Repositories, the Pubfair framework and new models, repurposing the repository, the repository role in global challenges and societal change – Global warming, pandemic response, remote working, etc.

More information on the submission system, templates, and tracks is available on the Call for Proposals page.

The deadline for submissions is the 28th February 2022.

Program Committee Co-chairs:

  • Kathryn Cassidy, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
  • Chad Hutchens, University of Wyoming, USA
  • Harish Maringanti, University of Utah, USA
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